Every Detail of Cedric Johnson’s Comments Following His Draft Selection by the Cincinnati Bengals…..

Every Detail of Cedric Johnson’s Comments Following His Draft Selection by the Cincinnati Bengals

Johnson Cedric

Mississippi, the defensive end

Tell us a little bit about your playing style and what you hope to bring to the Bengals as an edge rusher …

Everything Cedric Johnson Had To Say After Getting Drafted To The Cincinnati  Bengals

“I want to provide my strength, quickness, and adaptability to the team. To put it plainly, I’m eager to participate. Really, I don’t even know enough to say, but I’m eager to contribute anything I can.”

What was it like when you got the call?

“To be honest, I’ve been waiting here for a while. When I did get the call, they asked, ‘Is this Cedric?'” They said, “This is the Bengals; we’re going to take you in the sixth round,” to which I replied, “It is.” I was kind of taken aback and unsure of what to think for a moment. I feel incredibly fortunate and thrilled to be a member of this team.”

This time in the draft, the Bengals usually take the best player on their board, and a lot of times they anticipated that player being drafted maybe a round or two earlier than they thought. Did they communicate anything like that to you, or just haven’t gotten to that point yet?

“We are still far from that stage. Anywhere I end up, I’m content. Simply put, I’m glad to be on the squad.”

The third day can be rather demanding. How did you kill the time until the call arrived?

“Just talking to my friends and family that are here, a little bit of Tik Toking, just trying anything to pass the time, really.”

What best describes your athleticism on the defensive line?

I have a great deal of athleticism. I feel like I have a lot to offer the squad because of my strength, my get-off explosion, and my sprinting speed.”

The Chucky Mullins award went to you. Mike Hilton of the Bengals is one of those former champions. Do you even know him?

“Yes, indeed.”

How familiar is he with you, and what kind of relationship is it?

“It’s not really how I know him.” I am aware that he is a legend from here and one of our Ole Miss people.”

What ties did you have to Cincinnati? Did you discuss anything or Zoom with them at all, or did you have any inkling that this would occur?

“Coach Marion Hobby and Coach Mark Duffner were two of the coaches there with whom I met via Zoom. We had several insightful discussions. I had some excellent talks and a lot of interactions with the scouts. They were at least somewhat interested in me right away.”

Numerous scouting reports suggest that you are adaptable. To what extent can you play both inside and outside the defense?

incredibly adaptable. I can play every style from a zero to a five, having played zero, three, and all in between. I think I’ll provide a great deal of diversity to the group.”

One of the NFL’s better pass rushers is here in Trey Hendrickson. Do you plan to be a sponge, and try and learn as much from him as you can?

“Yes, without a doubt. I would be foolish not to. In order to be a valuable member of the team, I want to learn as much as I can from all the men there, keep improving, and add to my skill set.”

Which position do you prefer, pass rusher or run defender?

“For sure pass rush, and I’m continually always working on the run game.”

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