Nick Mason of Pink Floyd asserts that David Gilmour and Roger Waters will never be friends again, but he thinks artificial intelligence may write music in their place.

Pink Floyd is finished, says David Gilmour – San Diego Union-Tribune

### Nick Mason Verifies: Pink Floyd’s AI May Be the Future of the Band, but David Gilmour and Roger Waters’ Feud Is Forever

The iconic drummer for Pink Floyd, Nick Mason, has revealed something that will surely cause shockwaves throughout the music industry: he has said that Roger Waters and David Gilmour’s long-standing animosity is irreversible. Mason’s remarks from a recent interview imply that there is no chance of reconciliation between the two legendary musicians because of their intense hostility.

The decades-long source of conjecture and media hysteria surrounding the breach between Gilmour and Waters reached a breaking point in 1985 when Waters, then in his early forties, made the decision to quit the band. After a turbulent time during which he tried to prevent Gilmour and the other band members from performing as Pink Floyd—a move that Waters felt would violate the band’s legacy—he left the group.
Pink Floyd's Nick Mason claims band members David Gilmour and Roger Waters will never be friends again - but believes AI could create songs instead
Creative disagreements and personal conflicts marked many of the band’s dramatic moments, of which Waters’ departure was just one. Years have not diminished the distance between Gilmour and Waters; both men are adamantly opposed to patching up their broken relationship.

Mason spoke openly about the ongoing conflict in his most recent interview, saying, “It is obvious to me that David and Roger will never get back together. The divisions are too basic and the wounds too deep. It is just not possible for them to become friends again because they have both gone on in different directions.”

Although it appears unlikely that the two former bandmates will be able to work things out, Mason did give Pink Floyd fans some hope. He made a suggestion about a fascinating possibility: using AI to compose new songs in the band’s distinctive sound. Mason said, “I think AI might play a huge part in determining the future of Pink Floyd’s music. Technology has come a long way.” “We are looking for creative ways to preserve Pink Floyd’s legacy, and artificial intelligence could hold the key to achieving that goal.”Pink Floyd is finished, says David Gilmour – San Diego Union-Tribune

Mason makes some really interesting remarks on AI, especially in light of how quickly music technology is developing. Artificial intelligence has already started to impact the music industry in a number of ways, from helping with creative processes to writing and recording music. One may argue that the concept of employing AI to create new Pink Floyd songs is an innovative move toward maintaining and advancing the band’s distinctive sound.

The idea of AI-generated Pink Floyd music may present a fresh approach for fans to engage with the band’s heritage as they struggle with the inevitable conclusion of Gilmour and Waters’ disagreement. Unresolved personal disputes and the changing music industry may cause some to scoff at this technological approach, but one thing is certain: Pink Floyd’s influence on music and culture will never fade.

Fans of Pink Floyd will need to accept the band’s shattered past for the time being while being open-minded about what the future—and possibly artificial intelligence—may bring for the venerable rock group.

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